Let’s Go!

Hedgedroid Go!

We are Hedgeoroid Robotics!


We are stronger when we work together. None of us is as smart as all of us.


We explore new skills and ideas.


We use creativity and persistence to solve problems.


We apply what we learn to improve our world.


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we share our learning in our events such as the Addison Family Fun Day, and the Hoover Math Games Night.

We also help our community by making youtube videos online, where other kids can learn to make art and origami.

kids learining origami will benefit them because they will learn multiple skills, such as hand eye coordination, problem solving, and more.


Addison Elementary Family Fun Day

This was an event on 9/23/2023, where we taught people how to fold origami at our stand for our innovation project and showed a basic line follower code with scratch to kids at this event.

Hoover Elementary Math Games Night

this was an event on 9/29/2023, where we showed people our basic line follower code, displayed a lego building called the “high tech playground” on our table. We also showed two of our robots racing on the display table for the younger kids to watch.

“We are Hedgedroid, we are the best”

Hedgedroid Team

Our Youtube Channel

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